San Francisco and Marin CA
A tongue-tie is a condition that is present at birth. Also known as a restricted lingual frenum, a tongue-tie is attached to the underside of the tongue and restricts the tongue’s movement. The sooner a tongue-tie gets diagnosed and treated, the better. Why? Because an untreated tongue-tie can have life-long consequences that affect a child’s growth and development, facial structure, tooth alignment, airway and overall health. Today on the blog, learn about the consequences of an untreated tongue-tie and how our Marin laser dentists at Glen Park Dental can help.
How tongue-ties affect children
Tongue-ties have devastating effects on a child’s growth and development: impacting jaw growth, causing the front teeth to jet forward, and creating an unfavorable facial profile, just to name a few of the possible impacts. Additionally, tongue-ties can affect a child’s ability to chew their food, which may lead to picky eating. It also may delay speech or cause a lisp or speech impediment, which can be embarrassing for a child. Mouth breathing is also more prevalent among children with tongue-ties. Unfortunately, mouth breathing isn’t good for growth and development, either. It dries out the mouth, which increases the risk of cavities and gum disease. Mouth breathing also results in lower oxygenation in the blood, which is necessary for growth and to maintain one’s health. Low blood levels strain important organs like the heart and brain.
However, the dangers don’t stop during childhood. Unfortunately, the effects of an untreated tongue-tie will follow an individual their entire lives into adulthood. At this point, the mouth naturally develops ways to combat the problem, which may feel “normal” to the person living with a tongue-tie, but that doesn’t mean that they should ignore their condition.
What happens when adults are tongue-tied?
Adults with tongue-ties are more likely to snore, which is one of the most significant symptoms of obstructive sleep apnea. Unfortunately, sleep apnea is dubbed the “silent killer” because many people who have sleep apnea are unaware that they have it. This sleep breathing disorder results in reduced airflow, which strains the heart and brain. You might not think snoring is a big deal, but it’s a sign that your body isn’t getting enough air. Imagine what would happen to your body if it didn’t get enough food or water. Well, air is just as essential as food and water, and without it, your body will slowly suffer long-term damage. Tongue-tied adults are also more likely to have temporomandibular joint disorder or jaw joint pain. Neither of these conditions go away on their own and require that the source of the problem, the tongue-tie, be treated first.
Tongue-Tie Treatment for Adults in Marin, Oakland, and the Bay Area of California
Regardless of how old you are, tongue-ties are treated using a dental laser in a procedure called a frenectomy. The laser gently releases the restriction, freeing the tongue for full movement. At Glen Park Dental, we perform frenectomies on patients as young as infants just a few days old, up to and including adults of all ages. The procedure is so quick and painless that it doesn’t require any downtime. If you’d like to learn more about tongue-tie treatment, contact Glen Park Dental by calling (415) 585-1500 or go online to schedule a consultation.