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oral health in 2023
10 Reasons to go to the Dentist in the New Year

San Francisco and Marin CA Ringing in the new year may have you contemplating what happened in the last one and the things you would like to change. From starting an exercise regimen to getting to work on time, your list may be never-ending. However, our Bay Area family dentists at Glen Park Dental encourage…

Halloween candy
Can I Enjoy Halloween Candy Without Wrecking my Teeth?

San Francisco and Marin CA Candy is everywhere on Halloween! The seasonal celebration brings a lot of spooky things, but cavities don’t have to be one! The likelihood is that if your child goes trick-or-treating this year, they will come home with a lot of unhealthy goodies. Even while they can still enjoy dressing up…

In this blog today, our dentists at Glen Park Dental make you aware of what could happen if you skip your dental checkups.
3 Risks of Skipping your Dental Appointments

San Francisco and Marin CA When you think of fun things you like to do, visiting the dentist is usually not one of those. Appointments are usually scheduled 6 months out, and with all that waiting, you could find something better to do the day of and cancel your appointment. But the more often you…

back to school smile
3 Secrets to a Healthy Back-to-School Smile

San Francisco and Marin CA Preparing to go back to school means a long to-do list and shopping for new school supplies and clothes. However, there is one item that is not on most back-to-school lists, and that’s your child’s smile. Although school-specific materials are vital to educational success, so are their self-esteem and health….

cold drink toothache
Why do Cold Drinks make my Teeth Ache?

San Francisco, Marin, and Oakland, CA Drinking your favorite cold beverage should not cause oral pain. Unfortunately, tooth sensitivity to hot and cold temperatures is a common concern. However, when you know the cause of your tooth sensitivity, you can address the problem quickly and return to enjoying the cold beverages you love. Our Bay…

What you need to know about a Frenectomy

San Francisco, Marin, and Oakland, CA If you’re living with a tongue tie or a lip tie, you may experience restricted oral movements like difficulties swallowing and maintaining correct oral posture and breathing habits. However, a frenectomy is a simple procedure that releases tethered oral tissue. If you or someone in your family has a…

questions to ask dentist
7 Questions you should be asking your San Francisco Dentist

San Francisco, Marin, and Oakland, CA Dentists receive extensive training to understand oral health and how to treat conditions affecting teeth, gums, and jawbone structure. Through years of school and practice experience, dentists are the experts to go to when you want to find out more information about your smile and how to protect it….

5 ways to Banish Bad Breath before Valentine’s Day

San Francisco, Marin, and Oakland, CA Valentine’s Day is a special occasion to be close to the one you love. But, whether it’s a romantic candlelight dinner or a night cozied up by the fire, things can quickly turn sour if you or your date have bad breath. Fortunately, there are ways that you can…