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What is Involved when getting Veneers?

veneers process

San Francisco and Marin CA

Dental veneers could be the ideal answer for anybody who has issues with their teeth, including chips, gaps, discoloration, cracks, and crookedness. Veneers are quite adaptable and can fix a variety of surface flaws in the teeth. In addition to their aesthetic advantages, veneers strengthen the tooth’s exterior structure to guard against additional harm. To have the type of flawless smile that improves both your looks and confidence, dental veneers are a conservative approach. Our Marin cosmetic dentists at Glen Park Dental share on the blog today what is involved when getting dental veneers so that you can get answers about the treatment and how it can benefit your smile.

What are dental veneers?

Dental veneers are shell-like covers made from composite resin or porcelain that adhere to the front of your teeth to cover most cosmetic concerns. These ultra-thin shells are pliable and can match your surrounding teeth in their shape, color, and size, creating a seamless smile. Dental veneers are a non-invasive treatment that can last for years when you care for them properly.

Step One: Prepare for Treatment

Our San Francisco veneer dentists begin your treatment with a consultation, examination, and preparation. Once you decide that dental veneers are the right choice for you, our team will get to work and shave a thin layer of tooth enamel from the front of your tooth to provide room to adhere to the veneers. The natural teeth get altered in this stage to match the length and thickness of the other teeth.

Step Two: Take Impressions

Creating a teeth mold used to create the veneers is the next stage. Then, the molds get transported to a dental lab so your veneers can be manufactured to your smile needs. In the meantime, our Marin cosmetic dentists will adhere temporary veneers to the front of your teeth so that you can continue to eat the foods you love. The process can take up to two weeks to complete.

Step Three: Permanent Veneer Installation

When placing veneers, the tooth’s surface must first be roughened so that the veneers adhere to the tooth’s surface. After that, the tooth or teeth are covered with cement or glue. The dentist will then apply a veneer to the tooth and verify that it fits precisely. Next, our cosmetic dentist in Marin uses light to cure the veneer when it is correctly positioned to strengthen the connection between the adhesive and the tooth’s surface. Every tooth that requires covering goes through the same procedure. The dentist will examine the tooth’s bite during this process so that the edges and surface may be smoothed and polished as needed.

Veneers in Marin, Oakland, and San Francisco, California

It may seem impossible that your smile could ever be perfect when you look in the mirror and notice multiple cosmetic issues. Fortunately, dental veneers are effective treatments that can mask most cosmetic issues and return your smile to its former glory. If you have questions about dental veneers or would like to schedule a consultation at our Bay Area cosmetic dental office, please call Glen Park Dental at (415) 585-1500 or contact us online to request an appointment today.
