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(415) 799-3900

4 Joost Ave, San Francisco, CA 94131

Mon-Fri 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM


oral hygiene habit
4 Crucial Oral Hygiene Habits

San Francisco and Marin CA At Glen Park Dental, we believe in the mouth-body connection. That means that good oral health is a key component of your overall wellness. In fact, did you know that common dental issues such as tooth decay and gum disease can elevate your risk of chronic and even life-threatening conditions…

untreated tongue tie problems
4 Problems Caused by an Untreated Tongue Tie

San Francisco and Marin CA Everyone is born with a band of tissue that connects the tongue to the floor of the mouth. Some people are born with this tissue too short to allow the complete range of motion in the tongue. When this band of tissue, known as a frenum, is too short, it…

bad tooth
Is a Bad Tooth Dangerous to your Health?

San Francisco and Marin CA Toothaches are the worst. They come at an unsuspecting time with throbbing pain or a persistent dull ache. Toothaches are commonly associated with a bad tooth, although teeth can hurt for a variety of other reasons that may be less serious. Neglecting dental pain often leads to pain worsening, which…

implant guide
The Ultimate Dental Implant Care Guide

San Francisco and Marin CA Dental implants are a popular method of tooth replacement for adults of all ages, but they come at a price. The price of dental implants may seem expensive, but they are designed to last a lifetime with proper care and maintenance. If you’re considering dental implants, you undoubtedly want to…

biting nails
Why you Should Stop Biting your Nails ASAP!

San Francisco and Marin CA Nail biting is a common habit among people of all ages. Some individuals bite their nails out of boredom or because they feel stressed or anxious. While biting your nails may seem harmless, it could compromise your oral health and damage your jaw joints as a result of temporomandibular joint…

health and tmj
What your Lifestyle has to do with TMJ Pain

San Francisco and Marin CA Health wise, you can do everything right like count your macros, exercise regularly, and get enough sleep yet still not shed any weight. The process of losing weight requires patience and discipline, although not seeing the scale budge can be discouraging when you put in the hard work. Additionally, the…

tongue tie released
Am I Too Old to have my Tongue-Tie Treated?

San Francisco and Marin CA Tongue-tie is usually discovered in infants and usually because trouble breastfeeding is one of the primary symptoms of a tongue-tie. A tongue-tie occurs when the small piece of tissue — the lingual frenulum — that connects your tongue to the floor of your mouth is too short or too tight….

implants help
4 Ways Dental Implants Help your Other Teeth

San Francisco and Marin CA Dental implants are artificial tooth roots that help restore the appearance and function of a smile that is missing teeth. But replacing a missing tooth is also the best decision you can make for the health of your other teeth. Let’s take a look today with our implant dentist in…

4 Facts Every Parent should know about Lip Ties

San Francisco and Marin CA To be such a small piece of skin, the labial and lingual frenulum — that small piece of tissue connecting your upper lip to your gum and your tongue to the floor of your mouth — can cause some really big problems in infants and toddlers. Follow along today as…

teeth whitening
Why is Teeth Whitening Best Done in Our Office?

San Francisco and Marin CA Look around in any big-box store, and you’ll find dozens of over-the-counter teeth whitening products available, all claiming they’re as powerful as what you’ll find in the dentist’s office. But in actuality, nothing compares to the effectiveness and safety of professional teeth whitening performed under the care and watchful eye…