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4 Joost Ave, San Francisco, CA 94131

Mon-Fri 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM


what happens in mouth while sleeping
What Happens in your Mouth While you Sleep

San Francisco, Marin, and Oakland, CA The typical person spends approximately one-third of their life sleeping. When you sleep, your body has the chance to physically and mentally rejuvenate, rest, and heal. Getting the right amount of deep, quality sleep is crucial to good overall health. However, while you sleep, things might be happening in…

fix chipped tooth
3 Ways to Fix a Chipped Front Tooth

San Francisco, Marin, and Oakland, CA Your smile can give you a confident feeling in your appearance when interacting with others. But, when you notice a chipped front tooth when brushing or smiling in the mirror, it can cause anxiety, lowered self-esteem, and shake your confidence. Fortunately, San Francisco’s experienced cosmetic dentists at Glen Park…

overlooked causes of snoring
6 Easily Overlooked Causes of Snoring

San Francisco, Marin, and Oakland, CA Does your partner complain about your snoring? According to a recent study by the University of Pennsylvania, it’s estimated that 57% of men and 40% of women in America are snorers. Snoring might be fairly common, but it stems from a variety of different causes—some of which could jeopardize…

hide gap in front teeth
How can I Hide the Gap between my Front Teeth?

San Francisco, Marin, and Oakland, CA Diastema is a common condition in which the front teeth are gapped. While it is common for children’s teeth to be gapped, only about 7% of adults have diastema. It can be caused by different factors, although braces can correct the issue. But what happens if you don’t want…

care tips for braces
How to Care for your Braces

San Francisco, Marin, and Oakland, CA Children wearing braces should take care to avoid dental damage throughout treatment. With careful food consumption, healthy habits, good cleaning practices, and visiting our family dental practice in San Francisco at Glen Park Dental for repairs and checkups, you can optimize your child’s orthodontic care. Therefore, on the blog…

what makes dental implants popular
What makes Dental Implants so Popular?

San Francisco, Marin, and Oakland, CA Although dentures and dental bridges are common tooth replacement options, dental implants mimic the look, function, and feel of your natural teeth. A missing tooth can make you self-conscious of your smile, lower your self-esteem, and increase the pressure to find a solution to restore your smile. Three million…

take control of oral health
Why it’s Never Too Late to take Control of your Oral Health

San Francisco, Marin, and Oakland, CA Some people avoid going to the dentist at all costs until they are in pain, while others skip dental appointments because they are too embarrassed to go or are worried that they will be judged. At Glen Park Dental, we’d like you to know that it is never too…

fatigue at work
What to do when Chronic Fatigue Affects your Job

San Francisco, Marin, and Oakland, CA Sleep is a cornerstone of sustainable energy throughout the day. However, when you have obstructive sleep apnea, getting enough sleep is a challenge of different merits. From brain fog to falling asleep during an important meeting, chronic fatigue can strike anytime. The San Francisco sleep apnea dentists at Glen…

does sleep apnea go away
Does Sleep Apnea Go Away on its Own?

San Francisco, Marin, and Oakland, CA Sleep apnea inflicts millions of people, including children and adults. It’s an airway disorder that results in restricted airflow, and in some of the worst cases, it completely restricts airflow and results in gasping for air while asleep. Many sleep apnea sufferers aren’t even aware that they have the…

reasons you are snoring
6 Reasons you are Snoring and what to do about It

San Francisco, Marin, and Oakland, CA An estimated 37 million individuals snore. Snoring is a result of a blocked or restricted airway. As air attempts to pass through your airway, soft tissue vibrates, resulting in the infamous snoring sound. But what causes airway blockages? Today on the blog, our sleep apnea dentists in the Bay…