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(415) 799-3900

4 Joost Ave, San Francisco, CA 94131

Mon-Fri 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM


problem with a tongue tie
What’s the Problem with a Tongue Tie?

San Francisco and Marin CA Tongue ties are common at birth. Some babies are born with a lingual frenulum (the small piece of tissue attaching the underside of the tongue to the floor of the mouth) that’s too tight or short. This often restricts full movement of the tongue, and it’s often referred to as…

what to avoid with dental implants
What should I Avoid with Dental Implants?

San Francisco and Marin CA A smile says a lot about people without them having to utter a word. It can tell others if we’re feeling well and if we’re friendly, kind, warm and approachable. It can also exude confidence, showing people that we’re comfortable in our own skin. Unfortunately, sometimes smiles can have flaws…

dental specialties
What are the Specialties of Dentistry

San Francisco and Marin CA Dentists Dentists are medical professionals who are trained to treat conditions of the teeth and most conditions of the mouth. Becoming a dentist requires a significant amount of education – typically, a four-year college degree followed by dental school, which usually also takes four years. The graduate from dental school…

What you need to know
What you need to know about Sleep Apnea

San Francisco and Marin CA Do you live with obstructive sleep apnea? How about someone you love? This is a serious and well-known sleep breathing disorder that can impact your breathing, your quality of sleep and have far-reaching consequences on your health. When someone develops sleep apnea, they have a serious and chronic condition that…

sleep apnea risk
The Risks of Living with Untreated Sleep Apnea

San Francisco and Marin CA When you do not get enough quality sleep, you suffer – both physically and mentally. If you are living with obstructive sleep apnea, it can be impossible to receive enough good, quality sleep. With sleep apnea, no matter how long you spend in bed, you experience disruptions in your breathing…

fix worn teeth
What’s the Best Way to Fix Teeth that are Worn Down?

San Francisco and Marin CA As you age, your teeth may wear down or become flat on the surface. While this may seem normal, it isn’t, and it shouldn’t be ignored. Teeth may become slightly worn over a lifetime, but if your bite collapses because your teeth are worn down significantly or it’s noticeable and…

sleep apnea screening
Encourage your Snoring Significant Other to Get Screened for Sleep Apnea

San Francisco and Marin CA Does your significant other snore? This can cause several problems in your life: impeding your own ability to get rest, leading to daytime fatigue and even, potentially, having a negative impact on your relationship. Snoring also is the primary warning sign of obstructive sleep apnea, a serious sleep breathing disorder…

growth appliance therapy
Benefits of Growth Appliance Therapy

San Francisco and Marin CA Does your child have teeth coming in with a crooked alignment? Have they been diagnosed with obstructive sleep apnea? Do they frequently breathe through the mouth, whether asleep or awake? If you can answer yes to any of these questions, then an orthodontic growth appliance could help.e What is an…

most out of dental crown
5 Ways to get the Most Out of your New Dental Crown

San Francisco and Marin CA If you just got a new dental crown or will soon be receiving this restoration, you may be wondering how to get the biggest bang for your buck. After all, you’ve decided to invest in your smile by preserving your tooth, and you don’t want to let that hard earned…