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Why Dental Treatments during Pregnancy should be a Priority

dental treatments during pregnancy

dental treatments during pregnancySan Francisco, Marin, and Oakland, CA

First off, congratulations, mama! You will soon be snuggling that sweet, soft bundle of joy in your arms as you cautiously figure out motherhood step-by-step. Until then, you probably are reading all the books, soaking in as much information as you can to prepare yourself and your home. But, there may be one important thing you have left out – your oral health. Glen Park Dental wants to share some reasons why dental treatments during pregnancy should be a priority.

Protect your mouth, protect your baby

Not to start off with alarming news, as if you don’t have enough to worry about, but neglecting your oral health can pose significant health risks to both you and baby. Studies have linked poor oral hygiene to an increased risk of heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and even worse, premature births and low birth weight in babies. Plus, ignoring an active infection such as tooth decay or gum disease could compromise the health of your unborn baby, spreading the infection to the fetus and causing it harm.

Dental treatments during pregnancy

Now, enough of the scary stuff. Here’s what you can expect when you receive dental treatments during pregnancy.

Regular dental cleanings are a must, especially when pregnant. So, even though your schedule is riddled with enough appointments, resist the urge to cancel your upcoming six-month checkup. During this appointment, the dental hygienist will thoroughly clean your teeth, removing tartar buildup that is the building block of cavities and tooth decay. We will examine your teeth and mouth, perform an oral cancer screening, and check for anything that may look suspicious that needs tending.

It is important to seek out a professional dentist in the San Francisco area that is experienced and knowledgeable in treating patients who are pregnant. This is especially the case should you need to receive extensive procedures or procedures involving sedation dentistry. In these extreme cases, we may or may not need to get approval from your obstetrician. Your doctor can help determine if the recommended dental treatments are worth the risk or not.

Keeping mouth healthy during pregnancy

While dental treatments for procedures such as a dental crown or a filling for a cavity may be necessary during your pregnancy, you can help to avoid these treatments by taking good care of your teeth, and by going to the dentist before becoming pregnant or as early in your pregnancy as possible. Preventive measures such as brushing your teeth twice a day, flossing daily, and limiting your intake of sugar and soda can go a long way in protecting your oral health both during your pregnancy and afterward.

It is a good idea, if you are actively trying to get pregnant, to visit the dentist for a checkup and cleaning to make sure everything is in good shape. On the other hand, if you have dental issues during your pregnancy, do not wait until after you have your baby to get your teeth fixed – see a board-certified dentist in the Bay Area now, do not wait!

Dental Treatments in the Bay Area

To learn more about the importance of good oral care during pregnancy, contact Glen Park Dental by calling (415) 585-1500 to schedule a consultation. We welcome patients of all ages from Marin, Oakland, and San Francisco, California.
