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Cosmetic Dentistry

cosmetic dentistry at glen parkSan Francisco and Marin CA

Our leading cosmetic dentistry services focus on providing smile makeovers in California to achieve the incredible new look many patients seek. We can reshape your natural teeth to make them straighter or more youthful in appeal.

  • Porcelain Veneers (Laminates)
  • Dental Crowns in one visit
  • Teeth Whitening and Tooth Bleaching
  • Dental Bonding
  • Fresh Breath Treatment
  • Instant Orthodontics
  • Metal-free Fillings
  • Laser Gum Recontouring
  • Full-mouth Reconstruction

There are many new exciting materials and techniques that our highly skilled dentists can apply to dramatically bring a smile to life. Please ask us for an evaluation during your next visit.

Porcelain Veneer (Laminates)

Our Las Vegas Institute aesthetically-trained dentists can place ultra-thin natural looking porcelain on uneven, chipped, discolored, or worn teeth to give you the smile you’ve always wanted. Visit the Cosmetic Dentistry Gallery for examples of some amazing transformations we’ve done for our patients!

Dental Crowns

A dental crown is a tooth-shaped “cap” that is placed over a tooth – covering the tooth to restore its shape and size, strength, and/or to improve its appearance.

The crowns, when cemented into place, fully encase the entire visible portion of a tooth that lies at and above the gum line.

A dental crown may be needed in the following situations:

  1. To protect a weak tooth (for instance, from decay) from breaking or to hold together parts of a cracked tooth
  2. To restore an already broken tooth or a tooth that has been severely worn down
  3. To cover and support a tooth with a large filling when there isn’t a lot of tooth left
  4. To hold a dental bridge in place
  5. To cover misshaped or severely discolored teeth
  6. To cover a dental implant

This procedure can often be done in one visit at Glen Park Dental in a comfortable environment.

Teeth Whitening and Bleaching

Glen Park Dental can brighten stained, discolored, or dull teeth with Zoom Laser Whitening. Teeth whitening is ideal for people who have healthy, unrestored teeth (no fillings) and gums. Individuals with yellow color in their teeth respond best.

Dental Bonding

Our dentists can place enamel-like resin (bonding resin) on a broken or misshapen tooth’s surface and sculpt it to shape exactly like a natural tooth. See the results for yourself in our Before & After Gallery.

Fresh Breath Treatment

Bad breath is a problem that is shared by millions of people across the country. Until recently, there really has not been an effective scientific approach to diagnosing and treating bad breath or chronic halitosis conditions. If you have experienced any of the following, you may benefit from Glen Park Dental’s Fresh Breath Treatment.

  • Your bad breath is interfering with your social or professional success.
  • You frequently have a bad taste in your mouth.
  • People step back from you when you are talking to them, or they avoid direct contact with you.
  • Somebody has commented on your bad breath, or offered you mints or chewing gum.
  • You experience a white or yellow film on your tongue.

Instant Orthodontics

Instant Orthodontics is accomplished through Porcelain Veneers and Bonded Porcelain Restorations. These treatments have become widely accepted as the benchmark of conservative cosmetic dentistry. They have been used successfully to mask teeth that are discolored and poorly shaped. Bonding ultra-thin shells of porcelain to teeth created many of those Hollywood smiles.

This is called instant orthodontics because in as little as two weeks a patient can go from teeth that are discolored or crowded to a perfect smile. Patients that decide to do instant orthodontics usually have already explored the possibility of conventional orthodontics and did not want to spend two to three years in braces to align their teeth only to find that to correct the shape and color they would have to do porcelain veneers.

Metal-Free Fillings

It is widely known that mercury fillings are toxic. But there are actually five metals in amalgam fillings: mercury, zinc, tin, silver and copper. They are all toxins. Our bodies do require minerals, but we are organic beings and these are inorganic minerals. However, only 6% of dentists provide metal-free fillings. At Glen Park Dental, we provide metal-free fillings and helpful information on what you should know and do if you have metal fillings.

Laser Gum Recontouring

Many individuals suffer from showing excessive or uneven amounts of gum tissue when they smile. This condition can greatly detract from having an otherwise great looking smile. With the technology available today, a “gummy smile” is no longer an obstacle for achieving an outstanding and aesthetic new look.

What causes a “gummy smile”? A variety of factors can cause an overgrowth or asymmetry of gum tissue. Genetics, medications, and poor oral health are the more common factors. In many instances the gum tissue can predominate the smile, leaving the overall impression of seeing gums rather than teeth. How do we correct a gummy smile? Using soft tissue laser like an artist’s brush, we can reshape the position and architecture of your gum tissue. With little or no anesthetic, the laser literally vaporizes the unwanted tissue. Patients can return to their work and regular activities immediately with full recovery in less than a few days.

Glen Park Dental utilizes the soft tissue laser in many different ways. In most all of our smile Makeovers the gum tissue will be laser corrected for the ideal look. For Periodontal or poor oral health conditions, the laser is used to remove tissue that traps bacteria around the teeth. Additionally, many oral lesions or ulcers can be treated with the laser in order to eliminate pain and speed recovery.

Full Mouth Reconstruction

Occasionally, patients have a bite that is badly broken down after years of wear and tear. Our dentists have special training that enables them to rebuild these patients to a comfortable, functional and aesthetic bite.