San Francisco and Marin CA
When you do not get enough quality sleep, you suffer – both physically and mentally. If you are living with obstructive sleep apnea, it can be impossible to receive enough good, quality sleep. With sleep apnea, no matter how long you spend in bed, you experience disruptions in your breathing that interrupt your sleep and deprive you of the restoration to mind and body that occurs during the deepest stages of the sleep cycle. Today on the blog, your San Francisco sleep apnea dentist explores this topic in greater detail, examining the risks that come with living with untreated sleep apnea.
Sleep apnea can elevate your risk of several chronic conditions
These issues do not develop, pardon the pun, overnight. They build and worsen as a consequence from living with sleep loss long term. Still, you should remain vigilant.
Any of the following issues could develop as a consequence of untreated sleep apnea:
- Unexplained weight gain
- An increase in blood pressure
- Being diagnosed with diabetes
- Developing GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease)
- Systemic inflammation
- Diminished libido or sexual function
- Memory problems
- Unexplainable bouts of irritability or changes in mood
You may go see your regular physician with issues with one or even several of these conditions without a connection being made to sleep apnea. However, if you are experiencing any combination of the above issues, you should be screened for sleep apnea.
The dangerous consequences
Untreated sleep apnea can lead to major complications and conditions that can threaten your life.
These issues may include:
- Stroke
- Heart failure
- Pulmonary embolism
- Kidney disease
Considering that millions of Americans never receive a diagnosis for their sleep apnea, it often occurs where individuals do not realize they even had this sleep breathing disorder until after they have suffered a major event like a heart attack or stroke. More disturbingly, these are just some of the potential issues that can be caused by sleep apnea. Living with severe, untreated sleep apnea also can induce mood disorders such as depression, potentially leading to suicide. You may be more susceptible to dementia, Alzheimers and some studies have even linked sleep apnea to certain forms of cancer.
Then there is the everpresent fatigue that comes with living with sleep loss. These effects magnify as you develop sleep deprivation. This chronic fatigue can be deadly, especially behind the wheel. Daytime sleepiness has been found to make someone 2.5 times more likely to be involved in an automobile accident.
How can your dentist help with sleep apnea?
The dentists at Glen Park Dental are trained in airway management. This allows them to evaluate the airway to detect signs of sleep apnea. An official diagnosis of sleep apnea must come from a qualified sleep specialist, but once that diagnosis is attained, you can return to Glen Park Dental to have your sleep apnea treated. We prefer to treat sleep apnea through oral appliance therapy. This entails wearing a customized mouthpiece that serves as a mandibular advancement device; it guides the lower jaw forward, helping to maintain an open airway throughout the night so that you do not experience apneic events while you sleep.
Sleep apnea treatment in San Francisco and Marin in California
Millions of Americans suffer from sleep apnea but many of these people never get diagnosed. Don’t let this happen to you. If you or someone you love is exhibiting signs of sleep apnea, schedule a consultation at Glen Park Dental today. Just call (415) 585-1500 or contact us online.